New in VSETH?
Welcome in VSETH!
Here you will learn everything you need to know for a successful start in VSETH. Just read up on what you don't know yet.
General information for your activities in VSETH
The VSETH wiki for Actives contains a lot of information on every conceivable topic. If you are looking for something, it is best to use the "for <your organization>" page, where all relevant pages are linked. Alternatively, you can use the search function to look for a specific term:
You can also find information about the following things in the following places:
- Documentation of all VSETH IT services (take a look around to see what you can use) and information on IT support: IT-Wiki (
- Information about financial matters and processes, budget and financial reports you will find in the FinA-Wiki
If you want to learn more about VSETH as a student union, go to Über den VSETH.
When you become active in VSETH, you get a VSETH email address:
You have to check it regularly for new messages, because you will be reached via it in VSETH (not via your student address). If you don't want to check it, set up a redirection (instructions here)!
Specific information for your activities
You have probably found your way here because you have been newly elected to a VSETH representation, committee or working group (AG). Here you can find specific information for your organization:
- New active in a committee
- New committee president
- New active in a university politics representation
- If you are new to a working group (AG) or active as a responsible person for a portfolio, please contact the board member responsible for you in case you have any questions.
Important contact points in VSETH for questions
If you have questions that your predecessor was not able to answer and cannot be found here, you can contact the following bodies/persons, depending on the question, who will be happy to help you:
Body | Responsibilities | How can you reach them | Further Wiki-Articles |
VSETH board | |||
Presidency | alles und nichts Verträge, Bestätigung für studentisches Engagement | | studentischen Engagement verlinken. |
Internal Affairs | erste Anlaufstelle für Kommissionen, studentische Organisationen/Vereine, Fachvereine, Betreuung Wiki, Finanzielle Unterstützungsbeiträge | | |
University Politics | Vertretungen, Kontakt zur ETH & Rektorat | | |
Treasury | Finanzielles (Rechnungen, Rückerstattungen, Budget-Fragen) | | Alles wichtige verlinken!!!! |
Infrastructure | Räume, | | |
Communication | Werbekanäle (Plakatständer, Newsletter, Social Media, Webseite) | | |
Culture | Material ausleihen, VSETH-Events | | |
GPK (Oversight Board) | recieve minutes, oversight | (minutes to: | |
Consulting Boards | |||
Financial Consulting Board | Budget-/Rechnungsprüfung | | FinA-Wiki |
Expense and Compensation Consulting Board | Genehmigung von Spesen und Entschädigungen | | SpEA-Wiki |
IT Consulting Board | | ITA-Wiki | |
StuZ Director | Vermietung VSETH-Eventräume | | StuZ-Wiki |
General Administration | Schlüssel-Vergabe | | Schlüsselvergabe |
Sponsoring | Vermietung VSETH-Eventräume | |