New in VSETH?

Welcome in VSETH! 

Here you will learn everything you need to know for a successful start in VSETH. Just read up on what you don't know yet.


General information for your activities in VSETH

The VSETH wiki for Actives contains a lot of information on every conceivable topic. If you are looking for something, it is best to use the "for <your organization>" page, where all relevant pages are linked. Alternatively, you can use the search function to look for a specific term:

You can also find information about the following things in the following places:

  • Documentation of all VSETH IT services (take a look around to see what you can use) and information on IT support: IT-Wiki (
  • Information about financial matters and processes, budget and financial reports you will find in the FinA-Wiki

If you want to learn more about VSETH as a student union, go to Über den VSETH.


When you become active in VSETH, you get a VSETH email address:

Brief Description

VSETH email includes VSETH mailboxes, distribution lists, shared mailboxes and much more!

Site map

Documentation for users


In the following, some general terms are defined for the documentation:

  • nethz account: A nethz account is an account in the ETH system. Various services, such as e-mail, VPN, Polybox or similar, are linked to these accounts. All ETH students already have a nethz account.
  • primary nethz account: All members of ETH Zurich receive a nethz account. This nethz account will be called the primary nethz account in the following to distinguish it from the VSETH nethz account.
  • VSETH nethz account: A nethz account that is only created for active users within VSETH.
  • Mailbox: An email mailbox
  • Shared mailbox (group mailboxes): A shared mailbox is an e-mail mailbox in which several people are authorized to manage and send e-mails. In the ETH mail system this works by giving a nethz account access to the shared e-mail mailbox.
  • Mail-Alias: A mail alias is an e-mail address under which a mailbox can be reached. (Difference to the distribution list: Only one person can be reached).
  • Primary mail alias: Each mailbox has a primary mail alias, which is used as the "FROM" address in Outlook-based e-mail clients and which appears when searching the ETH address book.
  • Distribution lists: A distribution list is a mail address that is forwarded to various internal mail addresses. It is not possible to send from a distribution list.
  • Mailing lists: Mailing lists, like distribution lists, are mail addresses which are forwarded to various other addresses. Unlike distribution lists, however, they can also be external addresses.
  • Address book: The ETH Zurich mail server maintains an address book of all mail aliases of all persons and distribution lists (which are enabled for the address book). This address book is displayed in Outlook, for example, and can be searched.
  • Primary mail domain: A primary mail domain is defined for each organisational unit. The primary mail domain is used as the domain for the primary mail aliases of the organisation.
  • Alias mail domain: If required, organisational units may define additional alias mail domains on which mail aliases can be created.


Here you will find the most important answers to frequently asked questions. If your question is not answered here, please send an e-mail to


Private use of the VSETH mail account is not permitted. The VSETH mail account is deleted after the end of the active time in VSETH and should not be used for private correspondence or accounts. Furthermore, under certain circumstances it is possible for VSETH to read the e-mails in this account (prolonged illness or neglect of the specifications, etc.).

Within the framework of the IT project, various options for the continued operation of the mail infrastructure were discussed, namely: operating an own mail infrastructure, using the mail infrastructure of ETH Zurich or using the mail infrastructure of a third-party provider (cloud). The operation of an own mail infrastructure was rejected because the operation of a reliable and secure mail infrastructure of the size of VSETH is a challenge and would be a high financial burden for VSETH. The IT Strategy working group described the use of cloud infrastructure as a less preferred solution in December 2018 due to ETH's concerns about data protection. The ETH mail infrastructure solves both problems: The cost of operation is borne by ETH, which has a team of several people working on mail, and the data still remains stored within ETH.

Within the AG IT Strategy, this point was discussed in relative detail. In summary, it can be said that as long as VSETH uses the ETH network, ETH has access to all traffic, so VSETH already trusts that ETH will handle the data with confidence.

You keep your VSETH e-mail address as long as you are a member of ETH Zurich or active in VSETH.

ETH uses the antispam software Mailcleaner, which has been used on the VSETH mail server until now. So the spam situation should not change much compared to the status quo.

Yes, to do so, log on to Click on 'Configuration' in the menu bar at the top and select 'Filter Mode' from the menu on the left. Now you can choose what to do with the messages that are detected as spam.

ETH uses the antispam software Mailcleaner. Filter adjustments thereof are administrated by the ETH IT services and we of VSETH cannot make any changes. Still, you may do the following:

A more comprehensive guide to Mailcleaner and FAQs may be found here.

The following sizes are set by default:

TypeQuota [GB]
Personal mailbox1 GB
Shared mailbox5 GB

For special requirements, the quota can be increased to 10 GB in justified cases. Please send a request to .

The primary and alias mail domains are set as follows:

OrganisationPrimary mail domainAlias mail domain
Board and, others if desired
Student associations$ or $fachverein.chothers if desired
  • memebrs@: This mailing list comprises all VSETH members and is VSETH's official communication channel to its members. Thus, it cannot be unsubscribed from.
  • non-members@: This mailing list comprises students who are not VSETH members, gave their agreement in MyStudies / the address tool, for ETH to share their data. This list is maintained by ETH and a removal would therefore be accomplished through the ETH tool as well.

VSETH nethz account

The VSETH nethz account is a nethz account in the ETH system used for the VSETH mailbox.

For people who already have (or have had) a nethz account, the username for the VSETH nethz account is generated as follows:

$prefix-$(username primary nethz account)

The prefix is generated as follows:

VSETH board, commissions and bodiesvseth

For example for Lukas Reichart with the nethz abbreviation 'lukasre'. Lukas gets the VSETH nethz account with the username: vseth-lukasre

Change VSETH Mailbox signin

With the beginning of FS 2023, ETH has changed the registration to an AD registration. Now you have to add to the name of your VSETH-Nethz account to log in. 
Now the user jkirsch logs in for the organisation VSETH with and no longer with vseth-jkirsch.

The password of the VSETH nethz account can be changed at

Step 1:

If step 1 has already been completed, please move directly to step 2.
1) Go to
2) Log in with your student nethz account. You should know this password.
3) Click on "manage password reset"
4) Enter your data. Phone number and/or private e-mail address

Schritt 2:
1) Go to again and log out
2) Click on "forgotten password"
3) Enter your username "vseth-nethz" and click "password forgotten"
4) Select an option to reset your password and click "reset password'.
5) Check your SMS or email (including junk mail).

All people who already work or study at ETH Zurich already have a nethz account. However, in the AG IT Strategy it was decided that volunteer work at VSETH should be separate from other activities at the university, in particular there should be two different mailboxes. In the ETH Zurich system, a mailbox is always linked to exactly one nethz account. In order to be able to create another separate mailbox for work in VSETH, each person will be given a VSETH nethz account. People who are not members of ETH Zurich are also given an  ETH guest account.

Personal mailboxes

A personal mailbox is a mailbox which belongs to a single person.

To connect to your personal mailbox, you can follow the following ETH instructions. The ETH username must always be replaced by the username of your VSETH nethz account.

Change VSETH Mailbox signin

With the beginning of FS 2023, ETH has changed the registration to an AD registration. Now you have to add to the name of your VSETH-Nethz account to log in. 
Now the user jkirsch logs in for the organisation VSETH with and no longer with vseth-jkirsch.

Click on the Email Client Software Name in order to get the setup instructions:

Each mailbox has a primary alias and other aliases under which mail is received. If you connect via SMTP / IMAP it is possible to send mail from all aliases that are registered for the mailbox. If you connect to the mail account via the Outlook Web Interface or via Outlook, it is only possible to send mail from the primary alias.

It is not possible to send from the email address of a distribution list. 

The following email aliases are defined:

  • $primary-nethz-username@$
  • For each alias domain: $primary-nethz-username@$
  • If the mailbox was migrated from the old VSETH mail server: E-mail alias for the former mailbox name, if this is not yet covered by the two cases above.

Additionally, if required, "prestige aliases" can be defined with $firstname.$lastname@$ both on the primary mail domain and on alias domains.

The primary alias is initially set to: $primary-nethz-username@$, but may be changed if necessary.

Mail filters may be configured via the Outlook Web Access Portal at To do this, click on the gear wheel in the top right-hand corner after logging in and select 'Options' in the drop-down menu. In the menu on the left side under Mail > Automatic processing > Inbox and Sweep Rules select For 'Inbox Rules', click on the '+' and add the rules you want. 

Out of office notes may be configured via the Outlook Web Access Portal at To do this, click on the gear wheel in the top right-hand corner after logging in and select 'Options' in the drop-down menu. In the menu on the left side under Mail > Automatic processing > Automatic Replies select 'Send automatic replies' and configure your desired out of office note.  

The Outlook Web Mail Portal is accessible at The login takes place via the VSETH nethz account

It is also possible to access the VSETH mailbox with a mobile device. To do this, follow the instructions below:

[Android] Remote Security Administration Warning

When connecting the VSETH mailbox on Android devices, a pop-up may appear with the message: 

    Remote Security Administration: The server requires that you allow it to remotely control some security features of your Android dervice. Do you want to finish setting up this account?

This warning may seem a little daunting at first sight, but it can be accepted. Most mobile devices use a protocol called ActiveSync to communicate with the ETH mail system. Besides retrieving the e-mails, this protocol also allows certain security features to be enforced on the mobile devices, for example a minimum password length. The client on the mobile device sees that this protocol is active and reacts with a standard message even if the security features of the ETH Zurich mail server are unproblematic.

Shared mailboxes

In Outlook Web Access at, you can access shared mailboxes as follows

  1. Click on the profile icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
  2. In the dropdown menu select the item "Open Another Mailbox".
  3. Enter the email address of the shared mailbox and the mailbox should open.


ETH Zurich's documentation on this subject is incorrect.


In Outlook, you can add shared mailboxes as follows, provided that the VSETH nethz account is connected via Exchange (not IMAP!) Then proceed as follows:

  1. Open account overview
    • Apple OSX: menu item Outlook, then Settings and in the overview Select Account
    • Windows: menu item File, then select Account Settings
  2. Select the VSETH nethz account. Important: the account must be connected via Exchange.
  3. Select the menu item Additional Settings and in this menu item select the item Extended to Windows resp. Delegates to OS X.
  4. Click on the plus sign/ add.
  5. Enter the email address of the shared mailbox you would like to add.


The shared mailboxes can also be connected via IMAP. It is necessary to know the name of the mailbox (which is not the same as the mail address), if you do not know it, you may find a list here. The name of the mailbox should have the form smb-$number-$organisation, something like smb-36-vseth or smb-72-vebis for the VSETH and the VeBiS respectively.

  1. Navigate to the account overview in your email program (depending on the program you chose) and add a new account.
  2. Adding a new account is slightly different in each client:
    • If your mail client asks you for the account type, select IMAP.
    • If your mail client asks for the email address, select the shared mailbox email address
    • If your mail client asks you for your password, enter the password of your VSETH nethz account.
  3. Many mail clients will now try to configure the mailbox automatically, but they will not succeed. If the configuration fails, you should be able to get to a view with advanced settings.
  4. This is where you enter the following data for your incoming server:
    • Username: d\$vseth-nethz/$mailbox name for example d\vseth-lukasre/smb-36-vseth
    • Server name:
    • Type (if available): IMAP
    • Security: SSL/TLS* andPassword`
    • Port: 993
  5. and the following data for your outgoing server:
    • Username: $vseth-nethz for example vseth-lukasre
    • Server Name:
    • Type (if available): SMTP
    • Security: STARTTLS and password
    • Port: 587
  6. With the above data it should be possible to add the account.

When you send an e-mail from a shared mailbox, the e-mail is stored in both the Sent-folder of the shared mailbox and the Sent-folder of the personal mailbox. This has the advantage that users have access to all e-mails they have sent through their personal mailbox, even after they no longer have access to the shared mailbox.e it is possible to add the account.

To change the spam settings of a shared mailbox, a ticket must be sent to the ETH IT Services. To do so, please send a mail with the desired changes to

Distribution lists

No, it is not possible to send from the address of a distribution list.

Requests via ticket

Please send an e-mail to with the following information for ETH members:

  • nethz-account
  • organisation

If you work at VSETH (e.g. on a commission) but are not enrolled at ETH, you need an ETH guest account. You can apply for this via e-mail to You will then receive a VSETH mailbox which you can use for your association work. You will also have the possibility to access shared mailboxes.

To apply for a guest account, send the following information to

  • First and last name 
  • Date of birth
  • Address, postal code, town
  • External email address
  • Formal nethz account (if available)

Please send an email to providing the following information:

  • Who should have access to the shared mailbox?
  • Email address of the new mailbox.
  • Purpose of the new shared/group mailbox.

Please send an email to providing the following information:

  • Email address of the shared / group mailbox to be deleted

Please send an email to providing the following information:

  • Email address of the personal mailbox to be deleted

Please send an email to providing the following information:

  • Email Address
  • Purpose of the mailing list
  • VSETH nethz usernames of all people who should receive emails from this mailing list

Please send an email to providing the following information:

  • Email address of the mailing list 
  • Adjustments: VSETH nethz account usernames of people who should be added/removed from the mailing list

Please send an email to providing the following information:

  • Email address of the mailing list.

Please contact

Dokumentation für OIV


This section is only relevant for Organisational IT Managers (OIVs)

Customer benefits

With an additional account, voluntary activity in VSETH can be separated from other university activities - for which correspondence is sent via the primary nethz account.

Customer groups and pricing

The email service is available to all VSETH organs, student associations and associated organisations. Use is free of charge.


A nethz account or an ETH guest account is required.

Configuration and order

Via Mail an


The basis for the support process is the general VSETH support process according to the User Documentation: Support Process. This means in particular that all support requests are managed via the ticketing system OTRs. Questions and problems may always be reported to VSETH's IT support group will then deal with them in accordance with its response times for queries (SLAs).  

You have to check it regularly for new messages, because you will be reached via it in VSETH (not via your student address). If you don't want to check it, set up a redirection (instructions here)!

Specific information for your activities

You have probably found your way here because you have been newly elected to a VSETH representation, committee or working group (AG). Here you can find specific information for your organization:

Important contact points in VSETH for questions

If you have questions that your predecessor was not able to answer and cannot be found here, you can contact the following bodies/persons, depending on the question, who will be happy to help you:

BodyResponsibilitiesHow can you reach themFurther Wiki-Articles

VSETH board


alles und nichts

Verträge, Bestätigung für studentisches Engagement

praesidium@vseth.ethz.chstudentischen Engagement verlinken.
Internal Affairs

erste Anlaufstelle für Kommissionen, studentische Organisationen/Vereine, Fachvereine, Betreuung Wiki, 

Finanzielle Unterstützungsbeiträge
University PoliticsVertretungen, Kontakt zur ETH &
TreasuryFinanzielles (Rechnungen, Rückerstattungen, Budget-Fragen)quaestur@vseth.ethz.chAlles wichtige verlinken!!!!
CommunicationWerbekanäle (Plakatständer, Newsletter, Social Media, Webseite)
CultureMaterial ausleihen,

GPK (Oversight Board)

recieve minutes, (minutes to:

Consulting Boards

Financial Consulting BoardBudget-/Rechnungsprüfungfina@vseth.ethz.chFinA-Wiki
Expense and Compensation Consulting BoardGenehmigung von Spesen und Entschädigungenspea@vseth.ethz.chSpEA-Wiki
IT Consulting Board
StuZ DirectorVermietung VSETH-Eventräumestuz@vseth.ethz.chStuZ-Wiki
General AdministrationSchlüssel-Vergabevseth@vseth.ethz.chSchlüsselvergabe
SponsoringVermietung VSETH-Eventrä