The VPP (german abbreviation for Vorstands-Pizza-Plausch) can be translated word by word as "Board-Pizza-Fun"/"Board-Pizza-Bonding" and is a social event where all boards of the student associations, committees and VSETH are invited.
The purpose of the event is to get to know each other and, as the name suggests, to eat delicious pizza.

Along the way, you will be entertained with games.
You will play in teams, each assigned to a student association and a committee (but this assignment can and should be kept secret until the end of the games).
The winning team will organize the next edition of the VPP.

The event is organized by one student association and one committee each semester:

Semester Organizer 1Organizer 2
HS20AMIVMUN19. Oktober 2020
FS20AMIVMUN(abgesagt wegen Corona)







HS11architekturaviel unterstützung



At the VPP you first eat pizza together and then play games with different games in mixed groups (people from different boards together, you can e.g. put similar departments together, so presidents in one group etc.).

Each group is assigned to a committee and a student association or "plays for a committee & student association (but no one should know at the beginning to which they are assigned). Based on that, it is determined who will organize the VPP next. 

A few details

    Budget: The costs of the VPP can be settled through the VSETH. You can find the budget in the FinA-Wiki (subcost center "10102 VPP" under "Verband" aka Association); you may need half of it (since it takes place twice a year). You have about CHF 3000 at your disposal (all costs, including rent of rooms). The location "Loch Ness" should also be reserved and the space is needed in case the VPP takes place on the Hönggerberg. Please inform the members of Loch Ness if the board members of VSETH have not done so yet.
    Invitation: Send a save-the-date to the organizations as early as possible or have the date already announced via the FR or similar and send an invitation email to fachvereine@lists.vseth.ethz.ch, kommissionen@lists.vseth.ethz.ch, vorstand@vseth.ethz.ch, ausschuesse@vseth.ethz.ch, gpk@vseth.ethz.ch at least four weeks before the event. Please send the invitation in English and below the German version. Some committees communicate in English and might not read the invitation if it is written in German. The goal is to get everyone involved and participating.
    Pizza: You will have to organize pizza for dinner. You are free to choose how to order it (delivery service, pizzamobile, ...). Note that there are usually people who eat lactose-free/vegan/gluten-free. However, the pizzas for these people can be ordered separately (for example, at Dieci), then you just have to coordinate the food slot with the delivery time. A pizza-mobile tends to be good option but in short supply. Although this has been handled in the past, you might consider using two mobiles. Creating pizza tickets has been a good idea so far.
    Drinks: Usually there is a lot of (cheap) beer, as well as non-alcoholic alternatives (non-alcoholic beer and/or various soft drinks). Please provide non-alcoholic alternatives. Cider/Moehl is also super for gluten-free people.
        - Games should be chosen that all group members can participate in (more or less regardless of whether they are athletic, drink alcohol, what they study, etc.).
        - Games should be rateable in some way, so you can rank them later.
        - Please run games in such a way that it is playable for English speakers (i.e. bilingual).
    Assignment of group to student association / committee:
        - The exact assignment is up to you. Please make sure that there is a good mix (e.g. a large organization with a small one or an organization that is experienced in organizing events with one that is not). Try to maximize people that don't know each other in each group.
        - Excluded are the student association BSA, the committees and the VSETH board.
        - Also excluded are the organizers of the last two events (in total 6 student associations and committees are excluded).

Always contact ia@vseth.ethz.ch (or come to the board member office of VSETH to meet the IA board members) if you have any questions.