Union Cost Cap - Extraordinary Financial Processes in VSETH
A committee's income and expenses in a given year are defined by the budget, which is approved on a yearly basis by the Delegates' Council (hereinafter "MR"): Kommissionsbudgets.
In the case of any unforeseen financial contributions or unplanned spending, a committee can petition the Union's cost cap to approve the changes.
If you have any questions, please email ia@vseth.ethz.ch
The Essentials in a Nutshell
A checklist for a successful cost cap coverage application:
- It is key to open a transparent line of communication to the VSETH Executive Board as early as possible (in addition to the Financial Consulting Board, and the Expense and Compensation Consulting Board)
- Familiarise yourself with the template for an application: Vorlage Verbandskostendeckel.docx
- Describe your request clearly and concisely.
- Be sure to include the correct cost centre (the Budget's identifier, e.g. if your budget is 408 Fotokommission then the cost center is 408)
- Correct ledger account numbers must be listed in accordance with HowToSachkonten: This defines where and how money is received and spent.
- The sum requested: in which ledger accounts are the values deviating from the budget (for both income and expenses)
Send your request to kostendeckel@vseth.ethz.ch as a PDF at least four weeks before the project starts. The Executive board will vote on the request; the SpEA (Expense and Compensation Consulting Board) decides if any costs incurred fall under "Spesen" and how or whether any compensation is awarded to helpers and organisers (as defined by VerBeSEn).
If the revenue or expenses amount to more than CHF 5000, the FinA will also have to vote on the request.
Detailed Description [translation missing]
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The granted amounts are appended to the budget under the respective cost centre