Event Calendar

ThEvent Calendare calendar on the website is automatically synchronized with the Google calendars. The permissions to the calendars are give via the VSETH Groups, and therefore via the calendars on G Suite. How to add the calendars can be read here.


The following calendars are displayed on the website. 

CalendarLinkEdit Rights
Student Organizationsc_j36ivss04pnu19ankam9gi419k@group.calendar.google.comvseth-1100-fv
AsOrgs/AnOrgsvia Event Submission under flowable.vseth.ethz.ch. A Flowable Tutorial can be found here
moderated by VSETH Communication

Add Calendar to G Suite

To edit the calendar, it must be added to the Google Drive from VSETH.

Accessing the Drive calendar

To get to the calendar on G Suite, there are two ways:

  • log in directly to Google Calendar with <nethz> at gsuite.vseth.ch


  • access the calendar from the VSETH G Suite: click on the nine dots in the upper right corner and then on calendar

Add the desired calendar

Once at the Google Calendar of the G Suite, you can add the calendars you want:

  1. On the left, in the calendar selection, click on the plus in "More calendars"
  2. click on "Subscribe to calendar"
  3. enter the link of the desired calendar in the text field (see above)
  4. Press Enter

The calendar can now be edited. Please note the Naming Scheme (organization event name) when adding events.

Naming Scheme

Organization Event name