Stay an Associated Organisation

What is written in the VSETH statutes is valid. These can be found on the main page: VSETH Documentation.

The association of student organizations is renewed annually in the spring by the "Mitgliederrat" (MR) of VSETH if they:

Maintain good contact with your "VSETH-Götti" (serves as a point of contact and board link). It is helpful if you:

  • Invite them to your board meetings;
  • send them your approved minutes;

1Please send the annual report and your financial statements (profit and loss account and balance sheet) as separate .pdf files. The annual report should be no longer than two A4 pages.

Commissions should write their annual report according to the linked information.

A possible outline and desirable elements of an annual report are as follows:

Basic info/title page
  • Logo of the organization
  • Name of the organization
  • Annual report of which year/period (e.g., 2020 or indicate the semesters involved)
  • important information: Email, website, address if applicable.
Short description of the organization
  • What is the purpose of the organization
  • Since when does it exist
  • ...

(2-5 sentences)

What has happened during the year
  • Structurally:
    • important changes in the statutes
    • personnel changes
    • possibly development of members & active members
  • activities
    • what kind of events have taken place (name, description, remarks, reflection...)
    • projects the organization has tackled
    • describe highlights
    • noteworthy collaborations/negotiations
  • what kind of goals have been achieved this year
  • other accomplishments/innovations (e.g., successes on social media, enhancements in accounting, IT structure, merchandise)
  • Possibly a short overview of financials
  • what went well
  • where were there problems/difficulties
  • Cooperation with VSETH
  • are there specific plans and/or goals for next year
  • hopes/wishes
Closing words
  • date, place
  • who wrote the report (position in organization, name, e-mail)

The annual report should be written in English or German.